Sabtu, 04 April 2015

Substitution season, Beware of Influenza

Entering the transition seasons, influenza virus continues to spread in several regions in Indonesia. It interferes with daily activities resulting in lower productivity of patients. Although the spread of the virus continues to occur, it is judged not to cause significant adverse impacts on health.

"Indonesia and most countries in Asia, including the group of countries with the impact of influenza is not too large so that no question of the disease," said Head of Research and Development of Health Ministry of Health Tjandra Yoga Aditama, Wednesday (1/4), in Jakarta. In tropical countries such as Indonesia, the death rate from influenza is very low.

It was not like the country with four seasons, especially in Europe. In fact, the same dominant influenza virus subtype in the world, namely influenza A (H1N1pdm09), influenza A (H3N2), and influenza B. Entering the winter, these countries face an increase in the incidence of influenza.

Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization (WHO) noted, cases of influenza in 29 European countries increased. Every year, the epidemic originated from France, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and England. The countries were also reported flu-related deaths, especially the elderly. Influenza is an acute viral infection that attacks the upper respiratory system.

Cases increased

The Wall Street Journal, Friday (6/3), writing, there are 12 279 cases of influenza infection in Germany, the last week of February, the highest compared to other weeks of the year. The amount is closer to that recorded in the influenza outbreak two years ago in Germany.

On the other hand, there is a decrease in the effectiveness of influenza vaccines globally uniform. In the United States, the effectiveness of influenza vaccine this winter is only 20 percent. In fact, in the winter before the effectiveness of the vaccine was 60 percent.

Tjandra said no definitive conclusions why influenza viruses are so widespread in the winter, especially in Europe, while in tropical countries was never dominant.

Meanwhile, Director of Communicable Disease Control Jump Sigit Priohutomo Ministry of Health said it was likely it was due to the cold weather make the virus more resistant than during the summer. However, caution needs to be done with the data collection activities of influenza. "Surveillance of influenza-like illness associated (ILI), upper respiratory infections (ARI) in weight, and pneumonia," he said.

According Tjandra, according to the results of surveillance, the dominant virus circulating in January and February 2015 were influenza A (H3N2). No distinct subtype viruses or mutated.

Medical specialist in the Division of Allergy Immunology Clinic of General Hospital Cipto Mangunkusumo, Iris Rengganis, say, because not significant in Indonesia, influenza vaccine is optional.

Sigit added, entered the transition season, there has been no significant increase in the incidence of influenza in Indonesia. To prevent flu, residents are encouraged keep the immune system with the consumption of nutritious food and clean life behavior, especially handwashing with soap.

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